Induktions - Anwärmgerät TMBH 5/230V SKF


SKF Induction Heater TMBH 5 (230V version)

The compact induction heater TMBH 5 can be used in wide a range of situations – including at a work bench, on the factory floor or out in the field. Typical applications include maintenance and service jobs on gearboxes, pumps, fans and blowers. The light weight and built-in handle make it portable to use in a variety of locations, while it can easily be stored in a locked place such as the trunk of a car or small storeroom.

- Innovative heating of bearings
- Highly portable, compact and light in weight
- Automatic temperature monitoring
- No need to choose separate yoke for each component
- Use of advanced medium frequency electronics
- Choice of power settings
- User-friendly control panel
- Silent operation

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